Cartographica Neerlandica Bibliographical Sources for Ortelius Map No. 216

Bibliographical sources mentioned in this text:

Ælianus 216.4, 216.20, 216.24, 216.32, 216.33; : Varia Historia 216.46
Æschinus : Epistle 216.45
Ammianus 216.5, 216.14; : Bk.14 216.4; Bk. 22 216.18
Anticlides 216.40
Antigonus 216.5, 216.20, 216.41; quoting Myrsilius 216.21
Apollodorus 216.37; : Bk.1 Biblioteca 216.30
Apuleius : Bk.2 Florid. 216.34
Aristoteles 216.11
Arrianus 216.43
Athenæus 216.6, 216.17, 216.21, 216.24, 216.32, 216.33, 216.38, 216.41, 216.43; : Bk.6 Deipnosophiston 216.26; Bk.12 Deipnosophiston 216.34
Callimachus 216.41
Cicero to Verres 216.36
Dion Pruseus : History of Hadrianus 216.7; 31st. Oration 216.18
Eusebius 216.17, 216.26: Chronicles 216.33
Eusthatius 216.2, 216.17
Festus see Rufus
Florus 216.5
Galenus, Prince of Physicians : De Simplic. Medicam. 216.30
Gellius, Aulus : Bk.7 Ch.3 216.18
Glycas 216.17
Helladius 216.40
Hellicanus quoted by Tzetzes 216.28
Heraclides : Politics 216.32; quoting Polyænus 216.18
Herodotus 216.3, 216.7, 216.26; : Thalia 216.34
Hyginus 216.2
Lazius, Wolfgang : History of Greece 216.12
Libanius Sophista : Life of Demosthenes 216.12
Livius : Bk. 37 & 38 216.18
Lucianus : Marine Dialogues 216.41
Manilius 216.16
Mela, Pomponius 216.2, 216.22
Myrsilius quoted by Antigonus 216.21
Orosius is mentioned once on the map sheet
Ortelius is mentioned in the carouche as the maler of this map; Geographical Treasury 216.7, 216.14, 216.17, 216.32
Ovidius 216.43
Paulus, Saint 216.17
Pausanias 216.20, 216.36, 216.39, 216.43
Phaër, Thomas 216.33
Philostrates : Bk.2 Images 216.17
Plinius is mentioned twice on the map sheet; further in texts: 216.2, 216.5-7, 216.9-11, 216.14-15, 216.17, 216.21, 216.22, 216.25, 216.29, 216.30, 216.32, 216.33, 216.36-41, 216.45; : Natural History 216.2; Bk.4 Ch.12 216.45, Bk. 11, Ch. 22 216.45, Bk.34 Ch.7 216.15
Plutarchus is mentioned once on the map sheet; further in texts: 216.41; : Life of Pericles 216.34
Polybius 216.18; : Bk.5 216.16
Polyænus : Bk.5. as quoted by Heraclides 216.18
Porphyrogennetas 216.17
Procopius : De Ædificijs Iustiniana Bk.4 216.9, 216.12
Ptolemæus is mentioned twice on the map sheet; further in text 216.45
Pythagoras 216.33
Rufius, Sextus 216.4, 216.5, 216.15, 216.36
Sappho the Poetess 216.20
Servius 216.37; commenting on Bk.3 of Virgils Æneids 216.41
Siculus, Diodorus 216.14, 216.18, 216.21
Solinus Polyhistor 216.16, 216.28, 216.33, 216.37; Ch.17 216.9
Statius 216.28
Strabo is mentioned twice on the map sheet; further in texts 216.2, 216.9-11, 216.16, 216.18, 216.20, 216.22, 216.24, 216.26, 216.40, 216.43, 216.45; : Geography 216.2; Bk.10 Geography 216.12; Bk.14 Geography 216.34
Suidas 216.17
Thucydides 216.24, 216.36, 216.40; : Bk.1 & 3 216.41
Tullius see Cicero
Tzetzes quoting Hellicanus 216.28
Varro 216.45
Vergilius 216.33; : Bk.3 Æneids quoted by Servius 216.41
Vitruvius 216.25, 216.26
Zonaras 216.17

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