Cartographica Neerlandica Background for Ortelius Map No. 195

image of the map

Title: GALLIA/VETVS,/Ad iulij Cęsaris commentaria./ex/Conatibus geographicis/Abrah. Ortelij./1590. (cartouche upper right:) Cum Imp. Reg. et Cancellarię/Brabantię priuilegio decennali. (cartouche lower left:) REVERENDIS:/SIMO IN CHRI:/STO PATRI, DO:/MINO D. LĘVI:/NO TORRENTIO,/EPISCOPO ANT:/VERPIENSI, A;/PVD AMBIVA:/RITOS,/EIVS VIRTVTIS/CVLTOR ABRAH./ORTELIVS REG./MAIEST. GEOGRA:/PHVS DEVOTIS:/SIME DEDICAB. (with a list of famous people (left) and tribes (right) in Gallia, as described by Cęsar).

Plate size: 361 x 464 mm.
Scale: 1 : 4,000,000.
Identification number: Ort 195.

Remarks: when I published the book "Ortelius Atlas Maps" in 1996, I encouraged readers to send me information on new plates and new states not described in my book. As a result, I have received much information on new states and found quite a few myself as well, which have meanwhile been incorporated on this website.
However, inventive and meticulous research by Joe Q. Walker has demonstrated that I postulated too many new plates, rather than too few.
Walker demonstrates that plate blemishes such as scratches and spurious dots occurring on Ort 194 also occur on plate Ort 195. Therefore, the existence of a separate plate Ort 195 cannot be upheld. Walker has published the arguments leading to this conclusion in detail in a monograph "The Maps of Ortelius and their Variants", Antiquarian Maps Research Monographs - 1, which can be obtained from him on request through Email
I am happy that I have been informed about this research, since it increases our knowledge on Ortelius' maps.

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