Cartographica Neerlandica Topographical names for Ortelius Map No. 175

Oceans, Seas, Bays, Gulfs, Straights, Capes

Quadrant Text
A2  Fernan:|do Polo.
D1, D2  Mare Rubrum. (C1)
C1  Maris Mediterranei pars.
D1, E1  Sinus|Persicus


Quadrant Text
D1  Ex Arabia Felice Thus ad|nos desertur;quod hic,&|non alibi nascitur.Incolę sua|lingua Louan vocant. (E1) [From Arabia Felix they bring Incense which grows here and nowehere else. The inhabitants in their language call it Lovan.]


Quadrant Text
D2, C2  Abarach
C2  Abiami
D2  Adel.
D2  Aden
C3, B3  Agag
C2, C3  Agola
C2  Agor
D2, E2  Aiaua
C1  Alcairo
C1  Alexandria
C1  Alguehet
B2, C2  Amasen
B2, C2  Amazen (B1)
C3  Ambian
C2  Ambian:|canti:|ua.
C3  Anda
D2  Angeba
C2  Ango:|te.
B3  Angolia
D2  Angotina
C2, D2  Angugi
D2  Aqualen
D2  Aren
C3  Arme:|to.
C1  Asna
C2, C3  Asuga
D2  Asum
C3  Auairata
C2  Azuga
C2, C3  Azzel
C1  Aßuan
D2  Bachla
C2  Bacinette
D2  Balli
C2  Bara
D2  Barba:|ra
D2  Barcena
D2  Baru
C2  Barua
C2  Baza
C2  Bele:|guanze
D2  Belineluch
D2  Bellette
D2  Belul.
C2  Betma:|ria
A2  Biafar
C3  Bilibra:|nos
B2, C2  Borno
D2  Braua
C2  Buga:|na.
C1  Buge
C2  Bunace
D2  Cacana
C3  Cafates
D2, C2  Calotte
C2  Cama:|rua
C1  Canfila
C2  Cantiua
D2, E2  Car:|fur
C2  Carna
D2  Cazzelle
D2  Caßumo
C2  Ceme:|nia
C2, D2  Ceruil
C2  Chedaf:|lan
C2  Chil:|cut.
D2  cimare
D2  Coiberia
C2  Coquet|te.
D2, C2  Corcora
C2  Corcora|parua
B2, C3  Cotla (B3) (C2)
C1  Dacrut
C1, C2  Dafila
B3, D2  Damut
C1  Danga:|la.
D2  Dangali
C3  Dara
D2  Doara
C2  Dobaroa
D2  dobas
D2  Docono
D2  Dozarse
C2  Ermita
C2  Eße:|re.
C3  Falacia
D2  Fatigar
C2  Finazen
C1  Fuingi
C2  Fungi
C3  Fungi
B2, C2  Gaga
C1  Gahoga
C1  Garaga
C3  Gasabela
C3  Gaui.
D2, C2  Giabel.
C3  Giara
C2  Go:|ran.
D2  Gomi:|zara
C3  Goraua
C3  Gorga.
B2  Guidan
C2, C1  Hi:|mi.
C1, D1  Ierusalem
C2  Ihe|rua
D2, C2  Iugabella
C3  La trenit
D2  Lacari
D2  Lamon
C2  machada
D2  Magada:|zo
B2  Maita:|gazi
C2  Malua
C2, D2  Manadelli.
B3  Manicongo
D2  Mantra
C1  Mara
D1  Mecha,patria|Mahumetis. [Mecca, the homeland of Mohammed.]
B2  Median
D1  Medina Talnabi,vbi Mahometis|sepulcrum magna frequentia visitur. [Medina Talnabi, where Mohammed's is often visited.]
D3  Melinde
D1, C1  Men:|suria
D2  Mette
D3, C3  Mo:|zambique
D2  Moca:|uar.
D3  Momba:|za.
D2  Mugiat
C3  Noua
C1  Nubia
D2  Olabi
D2  Opin
C3  Orgabea
D2  Orgabra
D2  P Ercoco.
D2  P.Vella
D2  P.|Docono
D2  Pate
C3  Quara
D3, C3  Quiloa
C1  Riffa
C2  S.Cro:|ce.
D2, C2  S.Ma|ria de Ancona
D2  S.Michel\de la Vi:|sione.
D2  S.Piero.
C2, D2  S.Qui:|rico.
D2, C2  S.Spirito
D1, C1  Santar.
D2  Sarane
C2  Sara|hoesun
C1  Serta
C3  Sibit
C1  Snachem
C2  Soua
C1  Sues
B2, C2  Syre
B3  Tacui
C2  Temei
C1  Ti:|ruti
C3  Tirut
B1  Tripoli.
D2  vague
B3  Vamba
B2  Vangue
D2  Zachet.
C3  Zaflan
B3  Zaire
D2  Zama
D2  Zanag:|nie
D2  Zazella
D2  Zeila
D2  Zeit
B3, C3  Zembre
C3  Zet
D2  Zibit
D2  Zumetta
D2  ßiri.

Mountain ranges, mountains, dunes

Quadrant Text
C2  Amara mons,hic Presbiteri|Iohannis filij in custodia ą|pręsidijs detinentur [Mount Amara. Here the sons of Prester Iohn were held captive by rulers.]
C3  Lunę montes,hinc Austrum versus Africa veterib.incognita fuit. (B3) (D3) [The mountains of the Moon. From here southwards, Africa was unknown to the ancients.]
D2  M.Felles
D2  M.|Gariman.
C3  Zet Mons.

Countries, Regions, Provinces, Areas, Tribes, Polders, Woods

Quadrant Text
D2  Adel.
C1  Aegyp:|tus
B3  Agag.
C2  Agoas|populi
D1, E1  Aiman,que olim|ARABIA FELIX.
C2, D2  Amara.
C3  Ambian.
C2, B2  Ambiancantiua
C2, D2  Angote.
C2  Bagamidri|hic argenti|fodinę sunt. [Bagamidri. Here are silver mines.]
D2  Balli.
C2, D2  Barnagasso.
D2  Baru
C2  Beleguanze.
C1  Bello.
A2  Benin.
A2, B2  Biafar
B2  Borno.
C3  Cafates.hic|Amasones|habitare dicūt. (B3) [Cafates. Here they say that the Amazons live.]
C3  Canze.
C1  Dafila.
D2  Dangali.
D2  Doara.
D2  Dobas.
D2  Fatigar.
C3  Fungi.
C1  Gan:|fila.
C3  Gasabela.
C3, D3  Gemen
B3  Goiame.
C3  Gorga
C2  Gue:|guere
D2  Lacca.
D2  Magadazo.
B3  Manicon:|go.
D3  Melinde
C3, D3  Mozambique
C3  Noua.
C2  NVBIA Regnum|olim Christianum,hodie|vero nulla fere religionem|colunt.Regio est auro di:|tiß.atque ebore:Sac:|cari & fru:|menti|feracis:|sima,Precipua|vrbs est Dangala,cuius inco:|lę sunt ditißimi,& cum|Aeg’pti mercatorib.nego:|ciantur:in ea maxima|Sandali & zibetti copia;domus sunt cretacec,|stramineisque|tectis. (C1) [Nubia was once a Christian Kingdom but now they do not apply themselves to religion at all. The region is very rich in gold an ivory, and yields sugar and fruits in great abundance. Its main city is Dangala, whose inhabitants are very wealthy and they trade with Egyptian merchants. Here they make many shoes and bags. Their houses are covered with chalk and straw.]
D2, C2  Olabi
C3  Quara.
C3, D3  Quiloa.
B2  Reg.Damute.hic|effoditur aurum in|magna copia. (B3) [The Kingdom of Damute. Here gold is mined in great quantities.]
D3, C3  S.Raphael
C3  Sibit.
D1  Terra Sancta
B2, C2  Tigrai.
C2  Tigre:|mahon.
C3  Tirut
B2  Vangue.
C3  Xoa.
D2  Zingi pop.


Quadrant Text
A2  30 40
B2  50
C2  60
D2  70
E2  80 90
A2  Aequinoctialis circulus (B2) [Equator]


Quadrant Text
E2  Abba dalcuria
D2  Cumare
A2  Ins.Principis.
A2  Insula S.Thomę,Sacca:|ro ditiß.quod inde no:|men habet. [The island of St. Thomas is very rich in sugar, after which it has hence been named.]
D2  Lacca
D2  Mazua
E1  Ormus
D3  Penda
D1  Suachem|insula
C3  Zanan|insula
E2  Zocotora insulas;quę olim Dioscoriada|Hinc optima aloe,que inde Zocotori:|na appellatur,ad nos vehitur.Incolę|eam Catecomar vocant Turci,Persę et|Arabes Cebar;Hispani Acebar;et Lu:|sitani Azeure nominant;vti author|est Garcias ab Horto in sua aro|matum historia. [The island of Zocotera, once called Dioscoriada. From here they export to us excellent aloe, which for this reason is called Zocotorina. The inhabitants call it Catecomar, The Turks, Persians and Arabs call it Cebar, the Spanish Acebar, and the Portuguese call it Azeure, according to Garcias ab Horto in his History of Spices.]

Rivers, inlets, creeks

Quadrant Text
C2, D2  Ancona flu.
C2, D2  Cabella flu.
D2  Coron flu.
B2  Hic Niger|fluuius se sub:|ter terram condens,|post 60.milliaria de|nuo in lacum emergit. [Here the river Niger continues underground and emerges after 60 miles to flow into a lake.]C Medra.
B2  Niger flu.
B1, B2  Niger:|flu.
C2  Nilus fl.
C1  Nilus flu.
C2  Nilus flu.
B3  Nilus fluuius.
C3, C2  Onchit flu
B2  Rio de los Camarones.
B3  Rio de Manicongo.
C2, D2  Sabbalete flu.
C2  Tagazi flu.


Quadrant Text
B2, B1  Borno|lacus.
B2  Niger|lacus
C3  Za:|flan|lacus
B3  Zaire|lacus.|Tritones et|syrenes in hoc|lacu sunt. (C3) [Lake Zaire. There are tritons and sirens in this lake.]
B3, C3  Zembre|lacus.


Quadrant Text
E3  PRESBITERI|IOHANNIS,SI:|VE ABESSINO:|RVM IMPERII|DESCRITIO. (D3) [A representation of the Empire of Prester Iohn, or of the Abessinians.]
A1  Titulus Insignia Prespiteri Ioīs.|DAVID SVPREMVS MEORVM REGNORVM,A|DEO VNICE DILECTVS,COLVMNA FIDEI,|ORTVS EX STIRPE IVDA,FILIVS DAVID,|FILIVS SALOMONIS,FILIVS COLVMNAE|SIONIS,FILIVS EX SEMINE IACOB,FILIVS|MANVS MARIAE,FILIVS NAHV SECVNDV[M]|CARNEM,FILIVS SANCTORVM PETRI ET|PAVLI SECVNDVM GRATIAM;IMPERATOR|SVPERIORIS ET MAIORIS AETHIOPIAE,ET|AMPLISSIMORVM REGNORVM IVRUSDIC:|TIONVM ET TERRARVM;REX GOAE,CAFFA:|TES,FATIGAR,ANGOTAE,BARV,BALIGVANZAE,|ADEAE,VANGVAE,GOIAMAE VBI NILI FONTES,|AMARAE,BAGVAMEDRI,AMBEAE,VANGVCI,|TIGREMAHON,SABAIM PATRIAE REGINAE SA:|BAE,BARNAGASSI;ET DOMINVS VSQVE IN NV:|BIAM QVUAE IN AEGYPTVM EXTENDITVR. (A2) (B1) (B2) [Honorary title of Prester John. King David is the highest of my Kings. I, Prester John, especially chosen by God, pillar of faith, born from the tribe of Judah, son of David, son of Solomo, son of the pillar of Zion, son from the seed of Jacob, son of the hand of Maria, son of Nahum's flesh, son of the holy Peter and Paul in mercy, Emperor of upper and great Aethiopia, and of the legal grounds and countries of the most elevated Kingdoms; King of Goa, Caffates, Fatigar, Angota, Baru, Balinguanza, Adea, Vangua, Goiama where the Nile has its sources, of Amara, Baguamedrum, Ambea, Vangucum, Tigremahon, of Saba, homeland of the Queen of Saba, of Barnagassum, and Lord of all of Namibia, extending all the way to Egypt.]


Quadrant Text

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