FRISIA OCCIDENTALIS Adriano Metio et Gerardo Freitag

Name of map     : FRISIA OCCIDENTALIS Adriano Metio et Gerardo Freitag


Cartographer    : Guil Blaeu, 1630

Stock number    : 4377

Copy from edition: 1630 Latin; Page signature: 71-72

                   Koeman I p. 74 map 21

Area displayed  : West Friesland ;

Plate size      : 383 x 490 mm

Paper size      : 524 x 602 mm;

Margins, left   : 70  mm,  right: 64  mm;

         upper  : 57  mm,  lower: 88  mm;

Paper thickness and quality: heavy and strong;

Paper   color   :  white and fresh;

Age of map color:  old, original;

     colors used:  green, blue, red, orange, pink, mostly in outline;

  general color appearance: tasteful and authentic;


     margins    :  none

     plate      :  none;

     verso      :  none;

Overall quality : PERFECT/excellent/very good/good/fair/mediocre/poor

Price           : Euro  525

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