Cartographica Neerlandica Map Text for Ortelius Map No. 181

Text, translated from the 1579/1580 2nd Add., 1579 Latin (AB), 1580/1589 German, 1581 French, 1584 Latin, 1587 French, 1592 Latin, 1595 Latin, 1598 French, 1598/1610/1613 Dutch, 1601 Latin, 1602 German, 1603 Latin, 1606 English, 1608/1612 Italian, 1609/1612 Latin/Spanish [but text in Latin] and 1624 Latin Parergon/1641 Spanish edition [but text in Latin]:

181.0. [The 1579/1580L2Add, 1579L(AB)editions open with a woodcut frame consisting of 5 different layers; 1581F & 1598F have a simpler woodcut frame consisting of only one layer, 1580/1589G & 1602G are without this frame, with text printed inside it, announcing the first occurrence of the Parergon with in it the text]{1579/1580L2Add & 1579L(AB) only{PARERGON THEATRI}1579/1580L2Add & 1579L(AB) only; 1584L, 1587F, 1592L, 1595L have no woodcut frame.} Accessory work to the Theatrum, followed by a text in translation from the 1579/1580L2Add, 1579L(AB), 1580/1589G, 1581F & 1598F only{To the {1580/1589G & 1602G only{benevolent}1580/1589G & 1602G only} reader. Having finished the presentation of the countries of the world, here, honoured reader, you will see three subsequent maps, {not in 1581F & 1598F{which were drawn by me thanks to ancient sources}not in 1581F & 1598F}, both sacred and profane, for the benefit of the studious ones, and which I did not intend to include in this Theatre of mine, because I intended only to publish maps of regions in it as they are today, and as they present themselves now, but persuaded by the requests of my friends, I have yet decided to include them in this work, but as accessory work}1579/1580L2Add, 1579L(AB), 1580/1589G, 1581F, 1598F & 1602G only}.

{1598/1610/1613D instead of above{The peregrination of Paul.
Most experienced people agree that the Holy Script cannot be well understood without familiarity with maps and depictions of it. Therefore, many people have worked to arrive at knopwledge of the old and new Testament by publishing maps and descriptions. I intend to do something similar here. But since others have included various cities which do not contribute to knowledge of the bible, it has been my aim to present fewer cities, but not to omit any places that are mentioned in the new Testament, as will appear on the map, as is also the case for other maps, published by Orontius, Apianis, Jordanus, Schrott and Montanus}1598/1610/1613D instead; continued in § 81.4}.


181.2. Anyone with some education knows that knowledge about geography and skill concerning geographical maps {1606E only{and charts}1606E only} is necessary to understand {1606E only{the historical parts of}1606E only} the Holy Script, {not in 1580/1589G, 1581F, 1587F, 1598F, 1602G, 1608/1612I & 1624LParergon/1641S{and if he does not admit it, the subject itself will sufficiently prove the truth of this [observation]}not in 1580/1589G, 1581F, 1587F, 1598F, 1602G, 1608/1612I & 1624LParergon/1641S}. And therefore certain learned people in these times of ours have freely bestowed [the fruits] of their labour in this matter {1606E only{to improve the study of divinity}1606E only}. Amongst whom first {1606E only{the great mathematician}1606E only} Orontius Fineus from Dauphine {1606E only{in France, was the first, in my memory}1606E only}, to make a map which he composed to [help] understand the Old and New Testament, for that is the title of his map.
181.3. Peter Apianus followed after him with his Peregrination of Saint Paul. The same was done by Marcus Jordanus of Holstein. Most recently [this was done by] Christianus Schrot with his map entitled The peregrination of the children of God, {1579L(B), not in 1580/1589G & 1602G{and [by] B. Arias Montanus {1606E only{from Sevilla in Spain}1606E only}, in his Apparatus Biblicus, {1606E only{a learned work appended to the Bible of the king of Spain}1606E only; 1579L(B), not in 1580/1589G & 1602G}. This is what I attempt to do in this map [as well], as limitations of space will permit. For since this map of mine does not compare with theirs as regards the number of places [mentioned], which I freely admit, yet I dare to promise boldly that this [map] of ours, as well as theirs, will help in understanding the new Testament. Because all these [predecessors] {1601L, not in 1602G{(except for Montanus)}1601L, not in 1602G} have provided their maps with the profane place names taken from Ptolemæus, which do not at all pertain to this sacred purpose, I have in contrast [to this] exerted myself on this map of mine not to omit any place [name] that is mentioned in the {not in 1606E{New Testament}not in 1606E}, {not in 1587F, 1598F, 1601L, 1603L and later{to the extent that I do not know of anyone who has done so before, but we promise to try it}1581F, 1587F & 1598F end here}, provided that our Lord provides us with time and health for that purpose}1579L2Add, 1579L(AB), 1580/1589G, 1584L, 1587F & 1592L end here; not in 1601L, 1603L and later}.

181.4. {1595L{This image of the Peregrination of Saint Paul we have gladly recorded here, based on the map of Europe made by Gerard Mercator.
181.5. In the year 34 after Christs incarnation, he [Saint Paul] came from Jerusalem to Damascus from there he went into Arabia and then returned to Jerusalem {1598/1610/1613D, 1601L, 1603L, 1608/1612I, 1609/1612L/S & 1624LParergon/1641S have instead{Damascus}1598/1610/1613D, 1601L, 1603L, 1608/1612I, 1609/1612L/S & 1624LParergon/1641S instead}, three years after his conversion, back to Jerusalem where he remained for fifteen days with Peter, {1606E only{Galat. 1.17.18.}1606E only}. From there, escaping from the pursuing Jews, he came to Cæsarea in Phœnicia, from there to Tharsus {1606E only{in Cilicia, Act. 9.30.}1606E only} from which place he was taken by Barnabas to Antiochia in Syria, where he remained for a whole year.
181.6. Here it seemed that Peter was reprehended by Paul, {1606E only{Galat. 2.11.}1606E only} and then they were together sent to Jerusalem {not in 1598/1610/1613D{with contributions or support to meet the needs of the distressed brothers {1606E only{in Judæa}1606E only} in their famine}not in 1598/1610/1613D} {1606E only{which Agabus had predicted would come to all inhabitants of the world, Actor.}1606E only}. They went to all the churches throughout Judæa and having fulfilled the duty entrusted to them they returned to Jerusalem, and in the mean time Peter, who had been captured and imprisoned by Herodus, was set free by the angel {1606E only{Actor.}1606E only}. They returned to Antiochia in Syria from where, sent {1606E only{by the Holy Ghost}1606E only} and taking with them Joannes Marcus {1606E only{v.25.}1606E only} they arrived at Seleucia, and from there by sea they sailed to Salamine on Cyprus, and from there by land to Paphus, {1606E only{Act.}1606E only} from where they again took sail to {not in 1598/1610/1613D{Perga in}not in 1598/1610/1613D} Pamphylia (where Joannes Marcus left them and went to Jerusalem) {1606E only{v.13,}1606E only} from there to Antiochia in Pisidia, {1606E only{v.14,}1606E only} from there to Iconium, a city in Lycaonia, {1606E only{v.51}1606E only}, [and] from there they fled to Lystra, then to Derbe the Higher, towns in Lycoania, {1606E only{Act. 14.6}1606E only}, then back again to Lystra, Iconium, Antiochia in Pisidia, {1606E only{v. 21}1606E only}.
181.7. Thus, having passed through Pisidia, they came to Perga in Pamphylia, {1606E only{v. 24}1606E only}, from there to Attalia, a city in Pamphylia, {1606E only{v. 25}1606E only}, from where they went by sea to Antiochia in Syria, {1606E only{v. 26}1606E only}, and then {1606E only{(sent by the church because of disagreements among the brethern)}1606E only}, passing through Phœnicia and Samaria they came {not in 1606E{with Titus}not in 1606E} to Jerusalem, {1606E only{Act. 15.3}1606E only}, where in the year 48 after the incarnation of Christ a council was held by the apostles about the circumcision and ceremonial law of Moses, {1606E only{Act.}1606E only}. From there they returned to Antiochia in Syria where, {1606E only{having delivered their documents containing the objectives and decisions of the council, v. 30}1606E only}, Paul and Barnabas quarrelled and parted company.
181.8. {1606E only{Barnabas took Marcus [with him] as his consort and company, and sailed to Cyprus, v. 39}1606E only}. Paul, choosing Silas [as his companion] departed [too] and passing through Syria and Cilicia, {1606E only{v. 40.41}1606E only}, they arrived in Derbe, where Paul received Timotheus in his company, {1606E only{Act. 16.1,}1606E only} from where they travelled through the higher cities of Lycaonia, {1606E only{v.4,}1606E only} through Phrygia, {1608/1612I only{Lycaonia}1608/1612I only} and Galatia, finally arriving in Mysia, {1606E only{v. 7, where they were forbidden by the Spirit to stay long v. 7. Therefore}1606E only}, from there they went on directly to Troas, also called Alexandria, {1606E only{v. 8}1606E only}, from there in a straight course they went to Samothrace, an island {1606E only{in the Ægean sea, (now they call it Archipelago)}1606E only} and then the next day to Neapolis, {1606E only{v. 11,}1606E only} then to Philippi, the chief city within the confines of Macedonia, {1606E only{v. 12,}1606E only} then passing through Amphipolis and Apollonia they came to Thessalonica, {1606E only{Act. 17.1,}1606E only} from where in the night they were conveyed to Berrœa, {1606E only{v. 10}1606E only}.
181.9. Here Paul left Silas and Timotheus, (1606E only{v. 14,}1606E only} and went by sea to Athens, {1606E only{v. 15,}1606E only} from there in the ninth year of [the reign of] Claudius the emperor, 51 years after the birth of Christ, he arrived in Corinthus, {1606E only{Act. 18.1.2,}1606E only} where he lived for a year and six months, {1606E only{v. 10.}1606E only}. From here, [now] in the company of Priscilla and Aquila, two fugitives who had escaped from Rome, he sailed to Cenchrea, {1606E only{v. 18,}1606E only} then to Ephesus, where he left Priscilla and Aquila, {1606E only{v. 19,}1606E only} [then] he set sail for Jerusalem because the feast of Pentecost was approaching, {1606E only{v. 21}1606E only}.
181.10. Then, departing from Cæsarea {1606E only{he went up to Jerusalem, and then}1606E only} back again to Antiochia in Syria, {1606E only{v. 22,}1606E only} where he lived for about one season, and departing from there he went through the country of Galatia and Phrygia, {1606E only{v. 23,}1606E only} until he came to Ephesus, {1606E only{19.1,}1606E only} where he stayed for at least two years and three months, {1606E only{19.8.10,}1606E only} and from there in the 12th {1606E instead{13th}1606E instead} year of the reign of emperor Claudius and in the 54th year after the birth of Christ, he passed through Macedonia, {1606E only{Act. 20.1,}1606E only} then through Greece, {not in 1598/1610/1613D{also called Hellas}not in 1598/1610/1613D}, {1606E only{v. 2, where he lived for three months}1606E only}, and then, returning through Macedonia, {1606E only{v. 3,}1606E only} he came to Philippi, and from there, taking a ship to Syria in the thirteenth year of the reign of Claudius around the feast of Easter {1606E only{or the unleavened bread, came in five days}1606E only} by sea to Troas (also called Alexandria) {1606E only{where he lived for seven days v. 6}1606E only}.
181.11. From there on foot to Assos {1606E only{or Assum, v. 13}1606E only}. From there by sea to Mitylene, a town on Lesbos {1608/1612I only{or Negroponte}1608/1612I only}, an island {1606E only{in the archipelago, v. 14}1606E only}. The next day they passed Chios an island in the same sea {1606E only{now called Scio}1606E only}, and then, the next day, he arrived at Samos. Then staying for a while in Trogylium, {1606E only{a port on the mainland}1606E only}, he went the next day to Miletum, {1606E only{v. 15}1606E only}, where he took his leave of the elders of Ephesus which he had asked to come to him, {1606E only{v. 17}1606E only}. From there he went in a straight course to Coos, {1606E only{(an island in the archipelago now called Stancon as Bellonius says, or Lango, as Bordonius, Volaterranus and Sophianus have written)}1606E only}, from there the next day to Rhodes, from there to Patara, {1606E only{Act. 21.1,}1606E only} and finding a ship there {1606E only{bound for Phoenicia, he went on board, set out v. 2,}1606E only} and passing Cyprus on the left within sight, he arrived at Tyrus, {1606E only{v. 3,}1606E only} where he stayed for seven days {1606E only{v. 4}1606E only}, and then continued his sea journey to Ptolemais, where he stayed for one day and then departed for Cæsarea in Palestine, where he stayed for many days in the house of Philip, the evangelist, {1606E only{v. 8}1606E only}.
181.12. Here Agabus predicted Pauls captivity, {1606E only{v. 11}1606E only}. Finally he came to Jerusalem, {1606E only{v. 17}1606E only}, where he was taken captive {1606E only{by the Jews}1606E only} in the fourteenth year of the reign of emperor Claudius, 56 years after the incarnation of Christ, {1606E only{v. 30, and he would have been killed by them v. 31, if the captain of the garrison there had not rescued him with the help of his soldiers and men of war, and freed him from the hands of that tumultuous crowd v. 32, yet, because the uproar around him grew, v. 31, and because their captain supposed that he was Theudas the Egyptian, who not long before had organised an uprising and had led a company of ruffians, cut-throats and disorderly fellows, 4000 in number, out into the wilderness, v. 38 & chapter 5.36, he ordered him to be bound with two chains Act. 21.33. And he would have been whipped, Act. 22.24, had he not been a Roman v. 29.
181.13. For this reason his bonds were released and he was brought by the chief captain to the high priests and the whole council of the Jews, to hear what they could accuse him of, and what he would answer in defence of himself v. 30, but his opponents fell into quarrels and disagreements among themselves, Act. 23.7, and he was by most scribes and pharisees freed and fully acquitted, v. 9. Yet, the crowd went on raging against Paul, so that the captain was forced to withdraw him to the castle to protect him against their fury, v. 10, and for his further safety}1606E only} he was sent away during the night by Claudius Lysias the tribune, {1606E only{guarded by 200 footmen, 70 horsemen and 200 archers v. 23,}1606E only} to Antipatris, {1606E only{(a town in [the area of] the tribe of Manasses called Capharsalama in Maccab. 1.31, or, as a Greek manuscript says, Capharsarama, it is now called Assur, as some learned men think, and it was the first town that the Christians captured in their voyage to the Holy Land, as Volaterranus writes) v. 31, where the footmen left him and returned to their castle}1606E only}.
181.14. The next day he was carried to Cesarea Palæstinæ where Felix the governor resided {1606E only{v. 32.33, where five days later he was brought by him [Felix] to Ananias, the high priest, the eldermen of the Jews and his other adversaries, to answer the fabricated and malicious accusations of their raving lawyer Tertullus, Act. 24.1. But because besides their slanderous accusations and mere statements there were no formal charges nor witnesses [of his supposed wrong-doings] v. 20.21, he was dismissed for the time being, and handed over as a prisoner into the custody of a centurion, v. 24. In the mean time Felix, who had now been president for a full two years, having to resign and hand over his post to Porcius Festus, he, (to acquire the favour of the Jews) left Paul in prison, v. 28.
181.15. Three days after his coming to power, Festus went up to Jerusalem, Act. 25.1, where they again renewed their suit against Paul, demanding Festus to send him up to Jerusalem, v. 3, which Festus refused to grant, v. 4, but he was willing to bring these accusers and witnesses down to Cesarea, where they could be heard without partiality, v.5. Therefore Festus, who had now tarried for ten days in Jerusalem, returned to Cesarea, and the next day called forth Paul before the Jews, v. 6, who maliciously accused him of many things which they could not prove against him by any means, v. 7, yet Festus, anxious to please the Jews, asked Paul whether he would be willing to be tried before him about these matters in Jerusalem, v. 9.}1606E only}.
181.16. Then Paul appealed to Cæsar, {1606E only{v. 11, which Festus and the council allowed him to do, v. 12. But before he could be despatched to Rome, king Agrippa and Bernice came to Cesarea to salute Festus, v. 13. Since he [Agrippa] wanted to hear him, Paul was brought forth into the common hall before them, v. 23, where he pleaded his innocence, Chap. 26. Now, when it was concluded that Paul should go to Italy, he was handed over to Julius, a centurion of Augustus band, Chap. 27.1, and he was put in a ship from Adramyttum, a city in Mysia or Æolia in Natolia,}1606E only} and left, {1606E only{sailed along the coast of Asia,}1606E only} and arrived the next day in Sidon, {1606E only{v. 2, and then hoisting sail}1606E only}, passed the shore of Cyprus closely, {1606E only{v. 4,}1606E only} and from there crossed the sea near Cilicia and Pamphylia, and thus came to Myra, a city of Lycia {1606E only{in Natolia (now it is called Strumita, as Stunica writes. The vernacular edition has in stead of Myra Lystra, which is not a city of Lycia, but of Lycaonia, more than 40 leagues away from the sea of Cilicia), v.5.
181.17. Here the centurion put Paul and his company on a ship from Alexandria, bound for Italy, v. 6, and after many days}1606E only} they came to Gnidus, {1606E only{a marine or harbour town of Caria in Asia minor}1606E only}. From there they passed by Sammone, {1608/1612I only{by some called Samiomo}1608/1612I only}, a port on Crete, {1606E only{now called Candy}1606E only}, {not in 1608/1612I{situated on the promontory of Sammonium}not in 1608/1612I}, {1606E only{(the sailors now call it Cabo Salamo) v. 7, and so being cast about with much ado}1606E only}, they came at last to a certain place named The fair Haven (Pulcher portus, {1606E only{or, as the vernacular [manuscript] says Boni-portus, Lyra calls it Bona Villa) close to which was the city of Lasea (the vernacular [manuscript] has Thalassa) v. 8}1606E only}.
181.18. But because this place was not convenient to hibernate, they left from there, labouring to reach Phœnicia, a harbour town on the same island {1606E only{(which Ptolemey also mentions in the last chapter of the third book of his Geography), v. 12. But a gust of stormy wind which the sailors call Euroclydon (the vernacular [manuscript] has Euroaquilo) caught the ship v. 14.15,}1606E only} and {1606E only{threw it upon}1606E only} a small island called Clauda, {1606E only{as Ptolemey calls it in the 17th chapter of the 3rd book of his Geography (the vernacular and the Syrian interpreter of the New Testament call it Cauda), v. 16, fearing that they had landed on the quicksands (Syrtes, the Syrian retains the Greek word. The Greek otherwise call these dangerous places Brachea, the Romans Brevia, shelves or shoals), v. 17.
181.19. But finally, after fourteen nights of continual storm and danger}1606E only} they were driven into the Adriatic sea, {1606E only{v. 27,}1606E only} where they shipwrecked on the coast of the island Melita, {1606E only{now called Malta, Act. 28.1.}1606E only} From there, {1606E only{after having been there for three months, he continued in a ship from Alexandria, v. 11, and}1606E only} he arrived in Syracuse on Sicilia, {1606E only{where he stayed for three days, v. 12}1606E only}. From there, {1606E only{taking a detour}1606E only}, they came to Rhegium, a town in Calabria, {1606E only{a province of Italy}1606E only}, it is now commonly called Rhezo, {1606E only{where they stayed for only one day}1606E only}, and then set out again {1606E only{and arrived on the second day in}1606E only} [to] Puteoli, a town in Campania, now called Pozolo, {1606E only{v. 13, where they stayed for seven days}1606E only}, and then from there by Appius Market (Forum Appij) {1606E only{and the three inns or taverns, (Tres Tabernas)}1606E only}, they went by land to Rome, {1606E only{v. 15,}1606E only} in the second year of the reign of emperor Nero, where he was allowed to live by himself with only one soldier as his guardian, who was in charge of him, {1606E only{v. 16.
181.20. After he had remained here thus restrained for two whole years}1606E only} he was finally released by Nero, and preached the Gospel for a long time in Rome and in other places in Italy, {1606E only{v. 31.32}1606E only}. There are some who think that after he was set free he also went to Spain and France and spread the Gospel among those nations. Finally, he was again taken captive by Nero and was executed by him in the last year of his reign, which was [in] the 70th year after the birth of Christ}1595L, 1598/1610/1613, 1601L, 1603L, 1606E, 1609/1612L/S & 1624LParergon/1641S end here, not in 1598F}.

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