Cartographica Neerlandica Map Text for Ortelius Map No. 030

Text (translated from the 1595 Latin, 1598 French, 1601 Latin, 1602 German, 1602 Spanish, 1603 Latin, 1606 English, 1608/1612 Italian, 1609/1612/1641 Spanish and 1609/1612 Latin edition)

30.1. {1595L{The kingdom of VALENTIA.

30.2. Ptolemæus calls the people inhabiting this part of Hispania Tarraconensis {1602G, 1603L and later{Heditani}1602G, 1603L and later}. Plinius names the region Edetania. It seems that in Strabo they are called Sidetani, and in Livius Sedetani (Plinius also calls the people Sedetanos, and the region Sedetania, but <they are> different from these, as appears from his third book and third chapter). {1598F{In this area {1601L, 1602G, 1602S, 1603L, 1608/1612I & 1609/1612/1641S only{of Editania}1601L, 1602G, 1603L & 1608/1612I only} or Leria}1602S & 1609/1612/1641S only} is the city of Valentia, {not in 1598F{albeit that Ptolemæus attributes it to the Contestani, {1602S & 1609/1612/1641S only{or those from Concenteyna}1602S & 1609/1612/1641S only}, a nation with borders in the vicinity}not in 1598F}. After this city, as from the principal one, the whole region receives its name, and it contains the ancient Hedetania, Contestania and part of Ilercaonia. This province acquired the title of a kingdom around the year of our Lord 788, as you may read in Peter de Medina and <in> Peter Antonius Beuthero.
30.3. It is located at the Mediterranean sea, and is refreshed by the streams of the Turia, a river so called by Salustius, Priscianus and Vibius. Pomponius Mela <calls it> Durias, and Plinius Turius. Now they call it Guetalabiar, which is an Arab name imposed by the Moors, and means as much as pure, clear water. It is a river not very deep, but with regard to its ever flourishing banks, bedecked with roses and various <other> kinds of flowers, exceedingly pleasant. It is on both sides, from its very source to its mouth naturally covered with beautiful and shady woods. Everywhere you may behold the Withy, the Plane, the Pine tree and other trees which never lose their leaves, {not in 1598F & 1602G{so that Claudianus wrote most truly about it Fair Duria, adorned with flowers and rosy banks}not in 1598F & 1602G}.
30.4. There is also the river Sucro, which by a new name they call Xucar. Two hills there are here among the rest, one called Mariola, and the other Peña golosa, that is, The rock of dainties, to which from other places gather many Herbalists and Physicians. For upon these hills grow a great many rare plants and herbs. They also have a silver mine at a place called Buriol, on the road from Valentia to Tortosa. Certain stones are found there that are interlaced with veins of gold, in a place which they call Aioder.
30.5. At Cape Finistrat there are iron mines and so there are at Iabea. Near Segouia there is still mention of a quarry from where Marble used to be transported to Rome. In Piacent they dig Alabaster, and all over the country Alum, Ochre, Lime and Plaster in great abundance. But the greatest riches of this country consist of earthen vessels which they call Porcelain, {not in 1598F & 1602S{which may perhaps be the same as what ancient Writers call {not in 1601L, 1602G, 1603L, 1608/1612I & 1609/1612L{Vasa}not in 1601L, 1602G, 1603L, 1608/1612I & 1609/1612L} Murrhina}not in 1598F & 1602S}. These are made in various places of this kingdom so cunningly and with such art that the best Porcelains in Italy (which in all countries is esteemed so highly) can hardly be preferred to them.
30.6. {not in 1598F & 1602G{Who desires to know more about the excellent qualities of this region, and how fertile it is, especially in {not in 1602S{Sugar}not in 1602S}, Wine and Oil, let him read the 9th, 12th and 13th book written by Bernardine Gomez discussing the life of Iacobus the first, King of Aragon}not in 1598F & 1602G}.
30.7. Among the cities of this kingdom, Valentia is the most important one, and the see of a Bishop, who (as Marinæus Siculus and Damianus à Goes report) may have a yearly budget of 13,000 {1601L, 1602S, 1608/1612I, 1609/1612/1641S & 1609/1612L have instead(30,000}1601L, 1602S, 1608/1612I, 1609/1612/1641S & 1609/1612L instead} ducats. {not in 1598F & 1602G{Among all the Valentias of Europe, this <one> (says Bernardin Gomez) is called by the French Valentia the great, for it contains 12,000 houses, next to its suburbs and gardens, which have as many houses as the city itself. Peter de Medina writes that in this city there are more than 10,000 water springs. An exact description of them you may read in Iohn Marianas twelfth book, nineteenth chapter {1601L, 1602S, 1603L, 1608/1612I & 1609/1612L only{about Spain}1601L, 1602S, 1603L, 1608/1612I & 1609/1612L}.
30.8. It is so beautiful that the Spaniards in a common saying talk about Rich Barcelona, Plentiful Saragoca and Fair Valentia}not in 1602G}. Plinius calls it a colony of the Romans. He says that it is three miles distant from the sea. That this city in ancient times was called Roma by Romus, the king of Spain is reported by Annius from Manethon, and by Beutherus in his Annals. Let they take the responsibility for this.
30.9. In an ancient inscription it is called COLONIA IVLIA VALENTIA. It retained the name of Rome (says the same Beutherius) until the Romans subdued it. They, having enlarged and beautified it, called it Valentia, a name referring to the quality of the place}not in 1598F}. A council was held here in the year of our Lord 466. It is a city of venerable antiquity, where even to this day many ancient marble <monuments> with inscriptions by the Romans engraved on them, have survived, some of which are in the custody of Beutherius just mentioned, and Ambrosius Morales}1598F}.
30.10. The territory of this city is mostly inhabited by a people descending from the Moors, retaining as yet the language and conversation of their fathers and grandfathers, which I learned from the most worthy and famous man Frederico Furius Cæriolanus, born in Valentia}1595L}{1602G only{since the King and the Inquisition condone it}1602G only} © Marcel van den Broecke ©.

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