Cartographica Neerlandica Bibliographical Sources for Ortelius Map No. 203

Bibliographical sources mentioned on the map and in this text:

Ælianus 203.18, 203.24, 203.27; : Bk.7 Ch.12 De Animalibus 203.17
Afer, Dionysius 203.37
Afer, Optatus 203.5
Ammianus, Marcellinus is once mentioned on the map; further in text 203.24
Antigonus : De Mirabilis 203.18
Antoninus is 6 times mentioned on the map; his Itinerarium is once mentioned on the map
Apitius, Cælius 203.30, 203.32
Apollodorus 203.19
Apollonius is twice mentioned on the map
Appianus, Alexandrinus 203.4, 203.6, 203.19, 203.20, 203.22, 203.31
Aristoteles : De Admiranda 203.14, 203.26, 203.35, 203.36
Athenæus 203.24, 203.28; : Bk.15 203.28; : Deipnosophiston Bk.9, quoting Posidonius 203.34
Aurelius, Sextus Victor 200.5; : Biography 203.13
Ausonius 203.10
Bonfinius 203.3, 203.15
Broderith 203.15
Cassiodorus : Bk.3 Variarum, dedicated to Symeon 203.32; Bk.12 Variarum 203.43
Celsus, Cornelius 203.28
Checus, Ioannis 203.39
Cicero to Vatinius 203.34
Claudianus : Commendations of Serena 203.22; 2nd Panegyric to Stilico 203.24
Clemens, Alexandrinus : Bk.1 Stromaton 203.25
Dalechampius 203.34
Decius 203.5
Diaconus : Bk.2 Ch.8 History of Lombardie 203.18
Dion 203.2, 203.4, 203.5, 203.8; Bk.49 203.4
Dioscorides 203.30
Eliensis 203.16(?)
Eusebius : Bk.10 De Præparat. Evangelica 203.10
Festus, reported by Hippius 203.29
Florus 203.4, 203.22, 203.30
Galenus 203.30
Hallerus, Ludovicus is mentioned in the cartouche of the Pannoniæ map as the person to whom Ortelius dedicated this map, Ort203
Herodianus 203.10
Herodotus is once mentioned on the map
Hippius, reporting Festus 203.29
Horatius, Odes Bk.3 Ode 4, line 63 on map
Hyginus 203.6
Iornandes 203.7
Isidorus 203.2
Isogonus mentioned in Livius 203.23
Julianus the Emperor : De Cæsaribus 203.22
Laërtius, Diogenes : Life of Pyrrhus Eliensis 203.16
Lampridius 203.23
Leo the Emperor : Ch.18 De Bellico Apparatu 203.39-43
Liber Notitiarum, The Book of Remembrances 203.5
Lipsius 203.2
Livius 203.22; : Bk.45 203.21; mentioning Isogonus 203.23
Mamertinus : Panegyric 203.11
Martialis : Bk.10 Epigram 78 to Macer 203.33
Martianus is once mentioned on the map; further in text 203.19
Mela, Pomponius is once mentioned on the map; further in text 203.19
Nemesianus 203.12
Oppianus 203.12
Ortelius is mentioned in the cartouche of this map as its maker, Ort203
Ovidius : Bk.2 De Arte Amandi 203.28; : Comments to Tutica 203.28
Paterculus 203.9
Plinius is 4 times mentioned on the map; further in texts 203.11, 203.19, 203.27, 203.28, 203.30, 203.37
Pomponius see Mela
Possidonius, quoted by Athenæus in his Deipnosophiston 203.34
Procopius is once mentioned on the map
Propertius 203.21
Ptolemæus is mentioned 5 times on the map; further in texts 203.3, 203.5, 203.19, 203.21, 203.30
Ranzanus 203.15
Rufus, Sextus is once mentioned on the map; further in text 203.20
Severus, Alexandrus 203.23
Solinus 203.6, 203.9
Statius 203.9; : Silvæ 203.33
Stephanus 203.19
Strabo is twice mentioned on the map; further in texts 203.3, 203.5, 203.8, 203.19, 203.21, 203.22, 203.33
Suetonius : Life of Tiberius 203.20
Tacitus is once mentioned on the map
Theophrastus 203.28
Tibullus : Bk.4 203.9
Trallianus, Phlegon 203.38
Tyrius, Maximus : 38th Oration 203.16
Tzetzes : Bk.10 Ch.318 Chiliades 203.18
Uticensus, Dionysius 203.28, 203.30
Valerius, Maximus 203.19
Varro : Bk.2 Ch.16 203.24
Vegetius 203.22, 203.31; : On War 203.12
Victor, Aurelius see Aurelius Victor
Xylander 203.2
Zosimus 203.31

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