Cartographica Neerlandica Background for Ortelius Map No. 32

image of the map

Title: DESCRIPCION DEL REYNO DE GALIZIA, | AVTH. F.FER. OIEA, ORD. PRED. | A DON PEDRO FERNANDEZ DE CASTRO Y ANDRADE, CONDE DE LEMOS, | DE VILLALVA Y ANDRADE,ARQVES DE SARRIA &C. | [Depiction of the Kingdom of Galizia by F. Ferdinand Ojea, ordained preacher, [dedicated] to Fernandez de Castro and Andrade, Count of Lemos, of Villalva, and Andrade, Arques de Sarria etc.] "Galizia es vno de los muchos Reynos de España, que poßee nuestro Rey Filipo. Era antiguamente mucho mayor que | ahora, comprendia todas las tierras y prouinçias que ay dentro de los limites siguentes, de la Mar del Norte y montaña de | Iunto à Vizcaya, hasta las fuentes del gran Rio Duero,y de ay todo lo que el corre hasta dar consigo en la mar, y caminando | por las orillas della hasta boluer al mismo punto de dunde salinos. Marij Aretij dialog. de descript. Hisp. apud Berosum, et Viterb. | in inquirid. et Florian de Campo lib.3.c.40, et 42. et lib.4.c.3. Oy en dia con la mudança del gouierno, y de los tiempos, | ha quedado con este nombre solo lo que parece en esta tabla: de lo qual tiene V.Exa. vna gran parte. Y aßy por ella como | por la mucha afficion que todos los Principes de su casa han tenido siempre a las cosas deste Reyno, me parecio se | la deuia de Iusticia la ymagen y descripcion del.Supplico à V.Exa. la reciua con la gracia y amor que suele. &c". [Galicia is one of the many kingdoms of Spain in the possession of our king Philip. It used to be much larger than it is now, and contained all the lands and provinces within the following borders: from the Northern Sea and the mountain range close to Bizcaya up to the spring of the great river Duero, and all the land between this area and the sea, and travelling along the sides of it to the same spot of the salty dunes. The dialogue of Marius Aretius about the description of Spain as found in Berosus, and Viterbius in his Enquiries, and in Florian del Campo Book 3 Chapter 40 & 42, and Book 4 Chapter 3. Nowadays, with changes in government and time, it only has the number [of cities] shown on this map of which the Viscount has the greater part. And in this way for the land itself, as also for the great affection which all the lords from his house have always had for all matters concerning their king, it seems to me that in doing justice to the image and depiction which is offered to the Viscount, it will be received with grace and love.] (cartouche middle right:) HOC MYSTERIVM FIR: | MITER PROFITEMVR [we emphatically declare this to be a mystery] (two lines of music with this same text, surrounded by angels above this cartouche) (frame in bottom left corner:) "Abunda de carnes este Reyno y de todo | genero de caça, de mucho y muy bien pescado, | aßi de mar como de rios, de que se prouée | la mayor parte de España. Tiene grande | abundancia de aguas frias y calientes que | llaman baños mucho vino y del mejor que | se halla en toda la Europa, particularmente | el de Orense, y Riua Dauia, del qual se | prouen muchas prouincias del Reyno, y | de fuera del. Tiene muchas y muy buenas | frutas, limas y naranjas de todo genero, Seda | y mucho lino, muchos minerales de Oro y pla: | ta, hierro &c. y algunas canteras de marmol. | Su temperamento ni frio ni caliente". [There is plenty of meat in this kingdom and plenty of venison, and much excellent fish, both from the sea and the rivers, as they can be found in most parts of Spain. It has a great abundance of hot and cold springs which are called baths, and much wine, and that of the best found in all of Europe, particularly from Orense and Riva Davia, from which many provinces of the kingdom are provided, and it is also exported. It has many and excellent fruits, lemons and oranges of all kinds, silk and much linen, much gold and silver, iron and some marble quarries. Its temperature is not too cold, nor too hot.] (Bottom left:) IOANNES BAPTISTA VRINTS, ÆMVLVS STVDII GEOGRAPHIÆ | D. ABRAHAMI ORTELII, P.M. COSMOG.REGII EXCVDIT. [Ioannes Baptista Vrints, a follower of Abraham Ortelius, former cosmographer of the king, has published [this map]].

Plate size: 380 x 485 mm
Scale: 1 : 900,000
Identification number: Ort 32 (Koeman/Meurer: 145, not in Karrow, van der Krogt AN: 6045:31)

Occurrence in Theatrum editions and page number:

some 1603L (50 copies printed),
1606Exliij (300 copies printed)(last line, left aligned: with tedious tales and fables, thou shalt haue thy bellie full.),
1608/1612I18 (300 copies printed) (last line, right aligned, first text page: suo ; last line, second text page, left aligned: meno la deuotione & riuerenza che si deue a tanta reliqua.)
1609/1612/1641S18 (325 copies printed) (last line, left aligned: razon se le tenia.),
1609/1612L18 (300 copies printed) (last line, left aligned: liquiis.),
1620?S19* (15 copies printed?) (text, but not typesetting identical with 1609/1612/1641S; last line, left aligned: de ver esta Santa reliquia, ella no venisse, a descaer de la reuerençia que con mucha razon se le tene.).

Approximate number of copies printed: 1300.

States: 32.1 only.

Cartographic sources: Fernando Ojea (1568-1615) made a manuscript map which Vrients obtained (Meurer p. 210).

References: A. Hernando "The contribution of Ortelius' Theatrum to the Geographical Knowledge of Spain. p. 239-262 in Van den Broecke, van der Krogt & Meurer (eds.) "Abraham Ortelius and the First Atlas, 1998, HES Publishers.

Remarks: I have a copy of this map with page number 19* and Spanish text which differs from the standard 1612/1641S text, apparently belonging to a later Spanish edition which appeared after 1612 and before 1641.


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